We’re proud of our community! Minnetonka and the surrounding areas have been our “home turf” for 60+ years. We love the people and our fellow businesses and that’s why we love supporting it when we can.
This past Saturday was our 10+ year of supporting Minnetonka’s Tour de Tonka. As a key sponsor, Boyer Building Corporation has been supporting this great community ride in building out the large start/finish arch to get bikers on their way as well as welcome them home from their tour – to helping raise the landmark American flag that waves proudly from the Boyer steel beam.
This ride, once again, was a huge success and we are proud to be a sponsor in helping with this great ride that assists the ICA Food Shelf and Minnetonka Community Youth Education and Early Childhood programs through their proceeds.
#MinnetonkaSchoolDistrict #ICAFoodShelf #TourdeTonkaSponsor #TourdeTonka